Friday, December 5, 2008

Due Date Ticker!!

Pregnancy Tickers

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Troy and I are expecting a new little one ... the unofficial due date is July 8, 2009!!!

We so excited

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My first wedding scrapbook page

So I finished another one.....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well I dunno...

It's almost election time....
I'm very panicked about it.
I hope the right man gets into the office.... Our economy and future so depend on it!
We all have our opinions - Yes - and we all have our beliefs - which help lead us to our decisions.
Rightfully so!! I don't like talking politics with friends or other people, for that reason... we all believe in something different. What you agree with may not be what I agree with... Nothing wrong with what you believe in or what you were raised to believe, that's your every right! Hence the reason I don't like to discuss it ... generally it turns heated and is unnecessary. We all have a different way of looking at things and seeing things. AND that's just the way people are and no one should be looked upon badly because of that.
Politics it's a scary thing!!!

I just hope for better times in the future --- it's all we can hope for!

☮ , ♥ & happiness


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here it is....

Well this is my first digital scrapbook page... what do ya think????????

My adorable nephew and precious little niece dressed up in their outfits Troy and I brought them back from our honeymoon in Hawaii. Such an cute pose!!

I'm pretty excited it turned out quite well.

Something New...

I recently decided to try digital scrapbooking and OMG, I'm in love with this. I'm a pretty computer savvy person and I love working with photos and well, scrapbooking and so this just seemed to be something I'd give a whirl.

I just joined a few digital scrapbooking sites, so far I'm loving these:
ScrapGirls -- by far my favorite...I did buy the Photoshop Elements 6 Guide Book and that thing is fabulous!!!
Free Digital Scrapbooking
Digital Scrapbook Place

I also enjoy this other blog site:
Everday Digital Scrapbooking

Maybe later today I'll post my first scrapbook page...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So it starts....

Today I decided I would start something... not quite sure what I've started but it's something. Maybe just a place to write thoughts and ideas for things in life ... A place to bring myself to .... oh uhm ... well we'll work on that!! haha...

So here I go ... on the journey ~ yes the journey that's life!!

Well I suppose this is a place for my thoughts and interests to bring to you my friends and family....


♥ Jennifer