A couple weeks ago my mom and my Aunt Jeannine came over to visit for my ultrasound at the school on March 20th. I was so excited for them to get to see my little girl first hand and enjoy all the excitement with me. The students were preparing for their finals...they measured her little bones which we're matching up with the number of weeks I was (@24-25 weeks). They were so excited, the students kept saying, "man she's a good scan!!" -- Not sure what that meant but one of the girls asked me to come back on Sunday so she could get a little more practice time with me before her Monday final. So I did!! Why not?? I got more pictures!!! 
Here you can see she is really a little girl. The teacher referred to it as her "hamburger"!!!
I also got some more videos....I just love it!! She's growing so much. It is such an amazing experience. (They aren't posting for some reason. I'll try again later).

While they were here we also did some shopping -- Go Figure!!! We really got a lot of stuff accomplished. We ordered the baby furniture and got the bedding for the crib. We were able to get the crib later that day but the other pieces will be coming in about a month.
Well lets just say, I come from a crafty family, so while they were here we also went looking for things we could make for the baby. Wow was that fun!! My mom loves to stitch and Jeannine loves to crotchet, so we went to a few of our local craft stores and I helped them pick out items they could make for my little girl. Oh how excited am I!! I can't wait to see the finished products. It's such an honor and joy to have special items made with such love by family and friends.
Thanks so much for all you mean to us.
With love,
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