She's rolling over but really dislikes being on her belly for too long. We're practicing though. I think she wanna walks before she crawls!! She loves to stand and sit up. Her favorite place to be is in the new exersaucer.
She coo's and giggles. She loves to laugh at you laughing!! It's so funny!!
She's grown so much... at her last doctor's appointment she was 12lb 9oz I'm sure she's grown more since then.
Here are some of her Newborn photo's

Our First Family photo

Here are some of her 3 month pictures. I had a hard time picking my favorites to post here but here are a few.

We had a time trying to get her to smile for the photo shoot.

She's a beautiful healthy little girl. She's brings a joy like no other to our lives. We feel so blessed everyday to share this life with her. Glad we can share our blessing with you.
With love,
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